AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance Solutions

From Reactive to Predictive Maintenance with AI

After improving mobile equipment fleet performance at a Zambian mine, the Rithmik team are eager to deploy their integrated AI-driven solutions, Asset Health Analyser (AHA) and Asset Performance Analyser (APA), in other regions of Africa. These innovative solutions enhance equipment efficiency, reduce costs, and drive productivity.

At present, mine operators in Africa are zealously focused on increasing production to meet the demand for critical minerals and, of course—most importantly—boost the bottom line. However, in this quest, they may inadvertently overlook downtime for vital equipment. Unfortunately, in most cases, this occurs when least expected.

Importance of Sound Maintenance

In light of this, Rithmik Solutions is raising awareness about the costly effects of downtime on mobile equipment fleet, emphasising the importance of investing in sound maintenance solutions that can optimise performance. Drawing from its extensive know-how, the globally focused, Montréal-based analytics firm is committed to offering assistance to help mining companies make informed decisions.

AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance Solutions

Rithmik provides two AI-driven predictive maintenance solutions to industries: Asset Health Analyser (AHA) and Asset Performance Analyser (APA). Ross Barichievy, the company’s Chief Operating Officer, informs African mining operators – through an interview with Mining Business Africa – about the value of these innovations in fleet management.